The Self is an aspect of the Cosmic Self and it is its inalienable aspect. The Self is a real entity, and its embodied form, body-mind-intellect-ego, is transient. Vedanta holds that the Ātman , or Self, is distinct from the body, mind, ego, intellect, and external appearances. The Self is eternal, pure, and self-existent. The consciousness of the Self is its fundamental goal and orientation. To realise its inateness, it needs to transcend the limitations sprouting out of ignorance through its vicarious association with an embodied form, the body-mind-intellect system. The Self is savouring the sensual pleasure by moving outwards to relish the objects through sense organs by virtue of being its embodied form. The embodied form is subject to time-space-causation. The world of objects is relational, dual, and finite. That way, it becomes forgetful of its own existence as a subject. But the Self is self-luminous, infinite, non-dual, imperishable, and without limitations of time-space-ca...