The fathomless cosmos is imperceptible to a finite mind. It is beyond the perception of the mind and senses and the comprehension of the intellect to decipher the intricate relational cobwebs of the governing principles. However, in cosmic infinity, there are hues of structural, processual, and functional organic relationships that metamorphose into organisation, order, coordination, stability, and predictability. The organic relationship steadfastly needs to be endeavoured to realise consciously, as it is latent, immanent, and its manifestation is discernible to a realised being. Nothing is outside of what is inside, as are all thoughts, actions, and processes as per the delineated lines. Three aspects of Cosmic Being may be considered part of a cosmically interlinked organic relationship. Firstly, there is singularity and non-duality of source, cause, and effect as creator, sustainer, annihilator, and absorber. Secondly, He is immanent, transcendent, and potent to pervade, enliven,...