The scriptures and sages of the Sanatana Dharma (eternal righteousness or eternal order), through their doctrinaire, axiomatic , and aphoristic statements, illuminate the pathways of self-illumination and the realisation of life consciousness. One that finds a right way, the natural and eternal way to live. The right way shows the light for a journey from the pangs of birth and death , all sorrows, attachments , and bondages , towards fullness, infinities , and a fuller realisation of Divine Consciousness. It is a way to discover the inner self, or self knowledge. It discovers a way for life process. based on righteousness, truthfulness, virtue, honesty, asceticism, forbearance, humility, purity, chastity, and a steady demeanour. In other ways, Swami Sivananda says that " Serve, love, give, purify, meditate, realise; Be good, do good, be kind, be compassionate." 1. Outline Our sages and the ancient scriptures are emphatic on two aspects: one of the pa...