

The scriptures and sages of the Sanatana Dharma (eternal righteousness or eternal order), through their doctrinaire, axiomatic , and aphoristic statements, illuminate the pathways of self-illumination and the realisation of life consciousness. One that finds a right way, the natural and eternal way to live. The right way shows the light for a journey from the pangs of birth and death , all sorrows, attachments , and bondages , towards fullness, infinities , and a fuller realisation of Divine Consciousness. It is a way to discover the inner self, or self knowledge.  It discovers a way for life process. based on righteousness, truthfulness, virtue, honesty, asceticism, forbearance, humility, purity, chastity, and a steady demeanour. In other ways, Swami Sivananda says that " Serve, love, give, purify, meditate, realise; Be good, do good, be kind, be compassionate."   1. Outline Our sages and the ancient scriptures are emphatic on two aspects: one of the pa...


A lot of the current debate in India revolves around the public scrutiny of constitutional functionaries relating to or involving people in general rather than being limited to a particular group of people for the careful and detailed examination of something in order to get information. Between the constitutional functionaries as to reason, fact, system, procedure, and information, certain decisions, finality, and conclusions were reached as constitutional entities and justifications thereof. It may be information on aspects of systems, procedures, establishment, operation, interpretation, law, legality, and justification as such. It revolves around the entire mechanisms and finality of their decision , with underlining systems and procedures involving the Constitution, law , and facts . There is even one-upmanship regarding the finality of the chain of interpretation and validity among the constitutionally created beings (the legislature, the executive, and the judiciary), ...


Human life is precious. This life's form is evolved after several births, rebirths, and elevation processes through dharma-driven action, or Nishkam Karma (selfless or desireless action). A human being in this rarely gifted life form should always strive for higher elevation through the Dharma embedded right object of life pursuit. The object of life pursuit or the object of human pursuit or the aim of life in Sanātana Dharma is Puruṣārtha (Sanskrit: पुरुषार्थ). Purusha means "primeval human being as the soul and original source of the universe." Artha in one context means "purpose", " object of desire," and "meaning." Together, Purusārtha literally means " purpose of human being" or " object of human pursuit." The Purusārthas or aims, of human life or the object of life pursuits are " Dharma ( righteousness, or ways of life) , Artha ( prosperity, economic values) , Kāma ( pleasure, love, ps...


Article 1 of the Constitution of India declares that  "India, that is Bhārat , shall be a Union of States."     It is rightly so, India is Bhārat . Bhārat as a conception traces its origins in the ancient philosophy of India and is rooted in the Vedas, scriptures, Upanishads, Purānas, epics, ideas, thoughts, and teachings of sages and saints. The Sanātana Dharma woven the spiritual thread across the Bhāratvarsha and over the time evolving stronger binding bondage irrespective of varied caste, creed , sect , region , customs , languages , food habits, costumes and professions . The Sanātana Dharma  (eternal righteousness and order) for common good and welfare without any discrimination based on faith or any other factor. karmaṇaiva hi sansiddhim āsthitā janakādayaḥ loka-saṅgraham evāpi sampaśhyan kartum arhasi yad yad ācharati śhreṣhṭhas tat tad evetaro janaḥ sa yat pramāṇaṁ kurute lokas tad anuvartate By performing their prescribed ...


The concept of liberation, or Moksha, is the core of Indian philosophy. It is ingrained in the Vedas, Upanishads , and scriptures. It is an essentiality in the Sanātana Dharma (eternal order or righteousness) the eternal way or the eternal order. The Sanātana Dharma  is transcendental and beyond time, space, and situation. The word Dharma comes from the Sanskrit root " dhri " which means "to sustain" or "that which is integral to something. " This way it refers to truthfulness, virtue, honesty, asceticism, forbearance, humility, purity, chastity, and a steady demeanour. In otherways Swami Sivananda said "Serve, love, give, purify, meditate, realise; Be good, do good, be kind, be compassionate" i. Eternal Dharma , i.e., universal and fixed eternally ii. Swadharma : Duties performed according to one's condition and nature. In the Srimad Bhagavad Gita , Sri Krishna says one must rise above the dualities of happiness and distress and re...