If one is known, the other is not far behind. If Reality is one, Truth is one, Existence is one, and Self is one, nothing else remains outside, including the illusionary unreal of Maya, visible only in the Samsāra Chakra (wheel of birth and death). It is all in One, complete, full, imperishable, eternal, and an infinitude of infinity. The scriptures clearly affirm the Reality of Existence and the non-relativeness of Absolute Truth. If that's the case, exploring both reality and unreality aims to seek to realise the Source in the elevatory journey of Self-knowledge, salvation, and liberation. It is through demystification that one can unravel the veil of ignorance, from an outward projectory orientation that obscures one's identity to an inward journey towards self-realisation. It is not to know what I was or will be; rather, it is to realise that, through conscious effort, I am Brahmān . The scriptures succinctly say Reality is One that may be “ Prajñānam Brahma ” (Intelli...