The frailty of this world lies in its vanities . Vanities are phenomenological experiences understood by the mind through sensory perception, which may not correspond to the thing-in-itself; they cannot be proven or disproven, nor directly perceived or interpreted, but can be inferred from the nature of experience. The individual ego, perceived as the "I," serves as a facade of ignorance, excluding the consciousness of Ātman , or Self, from seeing its unity within the continuum of the universal-particular. Through its misadventures, "I-ness" associates itself with the Ahamkara , or ego. This erroneous identification of Ātman with the body, mind, and cognitive sensory systems obfuscates a sense of "I-ness." Swami Sivananda asserts that this misidentification encompasses three deficiencies: Avarana , or obscuration; Vikshepa , or distraction; and Mala , or contamination. Karma Yoga is a method that cleanses the mind of impurities via altruistic service....