
Showing posts from May, 2024


The Self is an aspect of the Cosmic Self and it is its inalienable aspect. The Self is a real entity, and its embodied form, body-mind-intellect-ego, is transient. Vedanta holds that the Ātman , or Self, is distinct from the body, mind, ego, intellect, and external appearances. The Self is eternal, pure, and self-existent. The consciousness of the Self is its fundamental goal and orientation. To realise its inateness, it needs to transcend the limitations sprouting out of ignorance through its vicarious association with an embodied form, the body-mind-intellect system. The Self is savouring the sensual pleasure by moving outwards to relish the objects through sense organs by virtue of being its embodied form. The embodied form is subject to time-space-causation. The world of objects is relational, dual, and finite. That way, it becomes forgetful of its own existence as a subject. But the Self is self-luminous, infinite, non-dual, imperishable, and without limitations of time-space-ca...


Truth is Truth, and Truth is Brahmān (Cosmic Self). It is infinity of the infinitude, uncontradicted, non-relative, non-separate and whole, real, self-determined, self-consistent, self-existent, absolute, and transcendental.  The nature of truth is its persistence through past-present-future, organically coherent whole, uncontradictory, independent of time-space-causation and validated by the centre of consciousness in the subjective domain. It transcends the threshold of time-space-causation. Transcendence, according to the sage philosopher Swami Krishnananda , is not physically higher for us. It is inclusivity of both the seer and the seen, not only an ascent from the level of the seer and the seen. Immanent is also transcendent. It is not physically something higher up; rather, it is a logical ascent. A thing becomes more real the more invisible it is, and the more unreal it is, the more tangible it gets. The smallest atom, which includes every self, contains the greatest gen...


Ātman is Self, or “I,” and Self is Ātman . It is a subject within every being, not the objects outside. It is the self-existent essence that persists for innumerable lifetimes. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad says that this Ātman is itself the light that is witness-consciousness and pure intelligence. It realises everything through its own consciousness as a witness and discloses everything through its own intelligence. The Self is happiness, the infinite of infinite, non-dual consciousness that exists beyond time, space, and causation. Every being’s essence is the Self, which is umbilically Brahmān , also known as the Cosmic Self or Absolute Existence. We can't comprehend it, yet it is within us. Self-experience is an experience of the Self. It is an aspiration to know more in totality, as its source and culmination are Absolute Consciousness. It is to learn and identify the real from the apparent by way of discrimination. Experience, as outlined by Swami Krishnananda , is the to...


The fundamental essence of our cosmic order is unity in diversification. Diversifications are the objects in the phenomenal dimension. The centre of unity is the subject and its subtle ramifications in all beings and non-beings. The state of unity underlining the cosmic dimension is subtle and unmanifest. That remains beyond the reach of our sense organs and sensual perceptions. That needs to be realised consciously through the deep Self-consciousness of the subject. In the mundane, phenomenal world, everything is relational and transitional. The Chandogya Upanishad aphoristically declares that Brahmān (Cosmic Self) is Ultimate Reality, Absolute Existence, source of everything, the cause of all causes, nothing outside, and everything inside. Non-duality is the Truth, and duality is an illusion. Brahmān is the ultimate creator, energiser, propellor, and dissolver of the cosmos. He is the one Who sees the unseen, hears the unheard, thinks the unthought, and knows the unknown. The goa...