The human being, a form in space and time, is in an existential battle of succession. This battle of succession has been ongoing since time immemorial. Nobody knows how long this will continue. But it is there and will go on. The human being is encapsulated in a body-mind-intellect system. He is forgetful of his sentient nature, or inner self, and moves outward towards the insentient world to realise his psychophysical nature. It is because humans never feel secure in their existing state of nature. They feel insecure about the changing spectrum of the world that may manifest at any moment and in any time space before them. Latency and a sense of insecurity are the pervasive dimensions of death. The fear of death remains a subliminal level for every being and creature. It does not matter whether he is the weakest of the weak or the mightiest of the might. No amount of physical fortification can do away with the call or force of death. It is so; we are in a samsara of birth and death...