In the Sanatana Dharmic (eternal order and eternal righteousness) tradition, the concept of bondage has been widely noted and discussed by seers, sages, practitioners, and the scriptures as well. It is an important philosophical and spiritual theme in this tradition. Karma (duty or activity) is the law that governs it, and it emerges from its association with " samsara " (birth and death) or " maya " (illusion). It is no doubt a fundamental aspect of the broader concepts of Dharma (righteousness), Moksha (liberation), and the pursuit of Self-realisation and Consciousness of the Self. Bondage is a shackle that entangles a being in psycho-physical dimensions, subsuming it in a state of, what Swami Chidananda says, "earth consciousness." Bondage demeans the perceiver’s ability to perceive the ātman (inner spirit or inner self) and be conscious of the Self. It widens the gap with the concepts of self-realisation, consciousness, sannyāsa or renunciatio...