
Showing posts from April, 2023


Brahmān ,  Cosmic Self, or Supreme Being, is supreme consciousness with infinite cosmic form. He alone is truth and reality. Brahmān (the Supreme Being) is Sat-Chit-Anand  (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss). There are three aspects of the Brahmān : Sat (Existence), Chit (Consciousness), and Ānand (Bliss). He is Supreme in every respect, as described by Parāśara Muni , and is full of six opulences: strength, fame, wealth, knowledge, beauty, and renunciation. That’s why he is associated with paramam , or the Supreme Personality. He is the Ultimate Truth. He is the originator, sustainer, and last resort of all creation. He is the shelter of the universe. He is the eternal protector of Sanātan Dharma (eternal righteousness and order). He is the everlasting Supreme Divine Personality. Brahmān , so says the Svetasvatara Upanishad , is all-pervading in the entire universe. He pervades everything—all that exists and all that will exist. Brahmān , by His own power, daivatma...


A philosophy to search for the truth comprehends its nature and ways to its discovery. The realisation of Truth elevates in the life journeying processes towards the consciousness of the Absolute Reality, the Supreme Being. It enhances the transcendental faith by reciting Om Tat Sat , which symbolises different aspects of Absolute Truth. The Truth is eternal and beyond the frame of time-space-causation. All material substance is evanescent. What is its nature? Sat-Chit-Anand ( Truth-Consciousness-Bliss) is the Brahmān ( Supreme Being) . There are three aspects of the Brahmān : Sat ( Truth) , Chit ( consciousness), and Ānand (eternal Bliss) . Truth is; untruth is not, so tersely expresses Swami Sivananda . He says that it is not absolutely correct even to say that Truth is one, for Truth is Existence itself and is neither one nor not one. The Truth is undivided. In the revealed scriptures , the ultimate object of knowledge is Brahmān , the Supreme Being. The...


In the Sanātana Dharma (eternal order or righteousness), the concept of "I" or the inner spirit or ā tman  seems to be a multifaceted one. It is central to Advaita Vedanta . It is also central to many great sayings (Mahāvakyas) , philosophical, and spiritual traditions within the Sanātana Dharma .  Self or "I" is the ātman (inner self or inner spirit) within every being and not the objects outside. The purpose of the perceiver is to perceive the ātman . The inner spirit is eternal, invisible, imperishable, and unchanging. It exists beyond the grasp of our ordinary senses and can only be perceived by a true perceiver. The Sanātana Dharma connotes eternal order or righteousness. Every creature or being derives from this conception alone. The "I" concept intrinsically emanates from this conception alone. That way, it is an undifferenciated part of the universal Self, or Brahmān (Cosmic Self). It is the core self of every creature or being. It transm...


The term "cosmic order" essentially connotes that there is order based on stability, predictability, and regularity in every phenomenon and noumenon in the cosmic universe. It is often closely related to ideas of natural law, harmony, and balance. In a way, cosmic order implies a fundamental governing structure of control, monitoring, and evaluation for the universe that governs its behaviour and the interactions of its various elements. Throughout human history, civilisations, cultures, and philosophical systems, this concept has been in existence. It is seen as a manifestation of divine will in some belief systems, while in others it is simply understood as an inherent aspect of the physical universe. However, regardless of the variation, the underlying pattern behind the concept of cosmic order is normally associated with notions of stability, predictability, direction, purpose, and regularity in the workings of the cosmos.   1. Outline The cosmos is orderly, harmonious,...