The Self is the Ātman (inner self or inner spirit) within every being and not the objects outside. The purpose of the perceiver is to perceive the Ā tman . The inner spirit is eternal, invisible, imperishable, and unchanging. It exists beyond the grasp of our ordinary senses and can only be perceived by a true perceiver. Self-realised beings, with their senses turned away from sense objects, see the Ā tman within. They are not obligated to fulfil their social responsibilities, as they are situated in knowledge of the self and execute higher responsibilities of the soul. Even if they are not obligated to do so, they still discharge their social responsibilities, as inaction is more dangerous than action taken in good faith. The Katha Upanishad (a conversation between the sage Naciketas and Yama (god of death) highlights on the need for perception by the true perceiver. parāñci khāni vyatṛṇatsvayambhūstasmātparāṅpaśyati nāntarātman | kaściddhīraḥ pratyagātmānamaikṣad...