Convergence is the coming together of two different and distinct entities and processes in a certain context of time, space, and situation. It is now being observed that there is a compulsive awareness and volition to unravel the eternal order of convergence and to come out with renewed assertions and reasoning to address the riddle of the life processes. There has been convergence in our way of life since time immemorial. It is convergence by nature, compartmentalisation by mind, and transdisciplinarity by the compulsion of life's process.
It has been observed by sages and noted in the scripture that the evanescent approach to the life processes need to be supplanted by an enduring one to facilitate towards the convergence of the life processes towards realisation of elevating experiences and consciousness. As all the rivers and streams move towards a larger one and finally towards the ocean, so all the life processes are always on the move for higher elevation to converge with the divine for fuller consciousness and liberation.
In the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita, it is observed
uddhared ātmanātmānaṁ nātmānam avasādayet
ātmaiva hyātmano bandhur ātmaiva ripur ātmanaḥ
Elevate yourself through the power of your mind, and not degrade yourself, for the mind can be the friend and also the enemy of the self.
Divergence, divisibility, or fragmentation is not the way of our life order or process; rather, convergence, indivisibility, and integration are the basic tenets of our Sanatana Dharma (eternal order). Covergence by nature is there, but it is only now being recognised by modern academic disciplinarians.
1. Outline
There is a growing recognition, assertion, and alignment of inter- and intra-academic disciplinarians with life processes.
Firstly, the affirmative interaction of transdisciplinary technologies such as nanotechnology, digital technology, and artificial intelligence is being affirmed. Secondly, the growing integration of five foundational science and technology fields (nano-scale, modern biology, information, cognition, and artificial intelligence) from their basic elements—atoms, genes, bits, neurons, and logic steps—and their collective action—to address nformation, cognition, and artificial intelligence) from their basic elements—atoms, genes, bits, neurons, and logic steps—and their collective action—to address life's challenges, growth, and opportunities. The affirmation of nanotechnology at the confluence of disciplines toward systematic control of matter at the nanoscale has been an enabling inspiration and foundation for other science and technology fields, emerging industries, and convergence solutions in society. Several future opportunities for implementation of convergence principles include the global science and technology system, realising a sustainable society, advancing human capabilities, and problem resolution.
2. Indian Philosophical Tradition
Our sages and the ancient scriptures are emphatic on two aspects: one of the path and the other on the qualities the followers need to imbibe to follow the path. The Lord created the universe, and wishing to secure order therein, He first created the Prajapatis (Lords of Creatures) such as Marichi and caused them to adopt the Pravritti Dharma, the Religion of Works. He then created others, such as Sanaka and Sanandana, and caused them to adopt the Nivritti Dharma, the Religion of Renunciation, characterised by knowledge and indifference to worldly objects. It is the two-fold Vedic Religion of work and renunciation that maintains order in the universe. This Religion, which directly leads to liberation and worldly prosperity, has long been practised by all.
Self-realisation is the realisation of the Self. It moves from the lower self to the higher self, the realisation of divine consciousness. Self-realisation is an intrinsic part of elevating experiences. In our ancient scriptures, there are highlights for both the path and the followers who follow the path. The followers need to adopt certain characteristics called the "eight noble paths."
The Three Yogas or Trimārga are three soteriological paths mentioned in the Shrimad Bhagavad Gita for the liberation of human spirit.
They are:
(i) Karma Yoga or the Path of Action (Karma-mārga)
(ii) Bhakti Yoga or the Path of Devotion (Bhakti-mārga) to Ishvar (God)
(iii) Jñāna Yoga or the Path of Knowledge (Jñāna-mārga)
If one leaves the material dharma it is considered a sin due to dereliction of duty. But if one leaves material dharma and takes the shelter of spiritual dharma, it is not a sin. It is observed in the Śhrīmad Bhāgavatam :
devarṣhi-bhūtāpta-nṛiṇāṁ pitṝīṇāṁ na kiṅkaro nāyam ṛiṇī cha rājan
sarvātmanā yaḥ śharaṇaṁ śharaṇyaṁ gato mukundaṁ parihṛitya kartam (11.5.41)[v37]
Similarly, by fulfilling our duty to God, we automatically fulfil our duty to everyone. Hence, there is no sin in renunciating material dharma if we are properly situated in spiritual dharma. In fact, the ultimate goal is to engage completely and wholeheartedly in spiritual dharma. The Śhrīmad Bhāgavatam states:
ājñāyaivaṁ guṇān doṣhān mayādiṣhṭān api svakān
dharmān santyajya yaḥ sarvān māṁ bhajeta sa tu sattamaḥ (11.11.32) [v38]
"I have given innumerable instructions regarding the performance of bodily dharma in the Vedas. But those who realise the shortcomings in these, and renounce all prescribed duties, to simply engage in my devotional service, I consider them to be the best sādhaks."
The Upanishads deal with meditation, philosophy, consciousness, and ontology. The Great Sayings" or the Mahāvākyas of the Upanishadas tersely say Brhman is one and infinity, which have a profound significance as pointers to Reality.
i. Prajnanam Brahma (प्रज्ञानम् ब्रह्म)– Consciousness is Brahman, Aitareya Upanishad, Rig Veda.
ii. Aham Brahmāsmi (अहम् ब्रह्मास्मि) - "I am Brahman", or "I am Divine," Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, Yajur Veda.
Iii. Tat Tvam Asi (तत् त्वम् असि)– That Thou Art, Chandogya Upanishad, Sam Veda.
iv. Ayam Atma Brahma (अयम् आत्मा ब्रह्म) – This Self is Brahman, Mandukya Upanishad, Atharva Veda.
This “Brahmān is the Whole," "Brahmān is Ātman" and "Brahmān is this (very) Self."
3. Western Philosophical Tradition
3.1. Principle of Non-Contradiction
There are arguably three versions of the principle of non-contradiction to be found in Aristotle: an ontological, a doxastic, and a semantic version. The first version concerns things that exist in the world, the second is about what we can believe, and the third relates to assertion and truth. The first version (hereafter, simply PNC) is usually taken to be the main version of the principle, and it runs as follows: "It is impossible for the same thing to belong and not belong at the same time to the same thing and in the same respect" (with the appropriate qualifications) (Metaph IV 3 1005b19–20). The following are some of those qualifications: The "same thing" that belongs must be one and the same thing, and it must be the actual thing and not merely its linguistic expression. For example, it is possible for someone to be a pitcher and not a pitcher, where "pitcher" in the first instance refers to a baseball player and in the second instance to a jug that can hold beer. Also, while it is possible for x to be actually F and potentially not F, it is impossible for something to be actually F and actually not F. A table can be actually red and potentially not red, but not actually red and actually not red at the same time.
Ontological: "It is impossible that the same thing belong and not belong to the same thing at the same time and in the same respect."
Psychological: "No one can believe that the same thing can (at the same time) be and not be."
Logical: "The most certain of all basic principles is that contradictory propositions are not true simultaneously."
Aristotle’s study of the causes and principles of "the study of being qua being" involves three things: (a) a study; (b) a subject matter (being); and (c) a manner in which the subject matter is studied (qua being). Causes and principles of beings qua beings whereas, natural science studies objects that are material and subject to change, and mathematics studies objects that although not subject to change are nevertheless not separate from (i.e., independent of) matter, there is still room for a science that studies things that are eternal, not subject to change, the principle of non-contradiction (PNC). Wherein: the principle that "the same thing can not at the same time belongs but also not belongs to the same thing and in the same respect." This, he says, is the most certain of all principles, and it is not just a hypothesis. It cannot, however, be proved since it is employed implicitly in all proofs, no matter what the subject matter. It is a first principle and, hence, is not derived from anything more basic.
3.2. The Principle of “Duty for Duty’s sake”
Immanuel Kant started not with pain and pleasure but rather with the fact that mankind’s distinguishing feature is our possession of reason. Therefore, it follows that all humans have universal rational duties to one another, centred on their duty to respect the other’s humanity. According to Kant, all humans must be seen as inherently worthy of respect and dignity. He argued that all morality must stem from such duties based on a deontological ethic.
Kant started not with pain and pleasure but rather with the fact that mankind’s distinguishing feature is our possession of reason. Therefore, it follows that all humans have universal rational duties to one another, centred on their duty to respect the other’s humanity. According to Kant, all humans must be seen as inherently worthy of respect and dignity. He argued that all morality must stem from such duties based on a deontological ethic.
4. Convergence : Elements
There is a huge focus across countries to galvanise and steamroll all lagencies across disciplines for the preparation of strategic plans for convergence in the areas of:
4.1. Critical and Emerging Technologies
- Advanced Computing
- Advanced Engineering Materials
- Advanced Gas Turbine Engine Technologies
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Advanced and Networked Sensing and Signature Management
- Advanced Nuclear Energy Technologies
- Artificial Intelligence
- Autonomous Systems and Robotics
- Biotechnologies
- Communication and Networking Technologies
- Directed Energy
- Financial Technologies
- Human-Machine Interfaces
- Hypersonics
- Networked Sensors and Sensing
- Quantum Information Technologies
- Renewable Energy Generation and Storage.
President Biden and Prime Minister Modi announced the U.S.-India initiative on Critical and Emerging Technology (iCET) in May 2022 to elevate and expand our strategic technology partnership and defense industrial cooperation between the governments, businesses, and academic institutions of the USA and India. Both countries stress the value of establishing "innovation bridges" in key sectors, including through expos, hackathons, and pitch sessions. They also identified the fields of biotechnology, advanced materials, and rare earth processing technology as areas for future cooperation.
4.2. Science, Technology, Engineering,
and Mathematics (STEM)
A transdisciplinary approach including science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) towards the Education Strategic Plan focuses on engaging students where disciplines converge and seeks to make STEM more meaningful and inspiring to students by focusing on real-world problems and challenges that require initiative and creativity. Convergence education is a transdisciplinary approach to teaching, learning, and assessment that focuses on the areas where STEM disciplines converge, such as tackling climate change, pandemic readiness and prevention, emerging technologies, and innovation and entrepreneurship.
5. Remarks
It is to be noted that segregation, differentiation, and insulation have never worked and will never work. What we need is harmonisation, cohabition and convergence to move in the goal for holistic realisation for enduring valuation.
-Asutosh Satpathy
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