
Showing posts from February, 2023


Human being since time immemorial has been subjected to certain behavioural pattern and governance by a set of ethical and moral standards. However, ethics and morality are sine qua nons for a civilised and normative society. It is for the human being to determine if he is speaking of ethical or moral acts as under the aspect of ethics or morality, as an act in its species, or as an act in a certain state of time, space, and situation. In the work of Thomas Huxley , the practise of that which is ethically best—what we call goodness or virtue—iinvolves a course of conduct that, in all respects, is opposed to that which leads to success in the cosmic struggle for existence. In place of ruthless self-assertion it demands self-restraint; in place of thrusting aside, or treading down, all competitors, it requires that the individual shall not merely respect, but shall help his fellows; its influence is directed, not so much to the survival of the fittest, as to the fitting of as many ...


The essence of being human is to get elevated. Whether the elevation is through the body-mind-intellect mechanism or through the realisation of the self. By nature, a human being’s life journey is towards the realisation of the supreme good. A journey towards self-awakening for the realisation of supreme consciousness, a life jouney is a journey inwards to inner conscience for identification of right pathways for the move. How does one make the right move? Virtuosity needs to be imbibed and inculcated in the character traits of human beings that manifest in every domain of life pursuits. Virtues are character traits that are central to a person, not everyday habits. Virtue is a trait that makes a person reason well for an orderly or righteous way of living, thinking, deciding, and correctly engaging emotions and feelings. 1. Outline Virtue is moral excellence and righteousness; goodness; rectitude (Theology) any of the cardinal virtues (prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance) ...


In a way, wittingly or unwittingly, there is a constant search for or re-search of our identity. It involves defining or redefine, depict or redepict, calibrate or recalibrate, position or reposition that way it goes on depending on the context of time, situation and circumstances. Whatever we think a sense of withhold comming to us–praise, recognition, appreciation, and so on. As a result, we became nervous and bewildered. We again search for the best footing and acceptance by others. But the fact is that we cannot receive what we don’t give. " Outflow determines inflow ." Did we ever imagine the construct we are thrust into, whether by our own volition or otherwise, is real, ephemeral, or a shadow of something else? Are we sure about ourselves as set out within the paraphernalia of body-mind-intellect mechanisms? Have we ever gone beyond the tripod, body-mind-intellect, to inquire about the subtler one lurking behind? Of course, we need to put all our vitality into becom...


Convergence is the coming together of two different and distinct entities and processes in a certain context of time, space, and situation. It is now being observed that there is a compulsive awareness and volition to unravel the eternal order of convergence and to come out with renewed assertions and reasoning to address the riddle of the life processes. There has been convergence in our way of life since time immemorial. It is convergence by nature, compartmentalisation by mind, and transdisciplinarity by the compulsion of life's process.   It has been observed by sages and noted in the scripture that the evanescent approach to the life processes need to be supplanted by an enduring one to facilitate towards the convergence of the life processes towards realisation of elevating experiences and consciousness. As all the rivers and streams move towards a larger one and finally towards the ocean , so all the life processes are always on the move for higher elevation t...