‘You Alone Are Real,’ explains Sage Ashtavakra in an answer to the question, "Is this real or was that real?" raised by King Janaka, well versed in Vaisvanara Vidya , or the knowledge of the Universal Self, and father of Sita of the Ramayana , before his assembly of advisors. You are not the body, nor is the body yours, nor are you the doer of actions or the reaper of their consequences. You are eternally pure consciousness, the witness, in need of nothing—so live happily, an aphoristic proclamation by Sage Ashtavakra (Ashtavakra Gita,15.4., translation by John Richards, 2nd Edition, Stackpole Elidor, UK, 1996). Sage Ashtavakra emphatically says real is neither the waking state, Janaka as King, nor the dreaming state, Janaka as Beggar. It is untrue that King Janaka is an emperor or a beggar. You are the only real you. Because you are the truth. Furthermore, you are your true reality; you are the one who witnessed both of these states, the one who existed as pure consciou...