Transmigration is Ātman's (Self, or inner spirit) migrational journey from its existing abode, upon its death, to another. The migrational journey begins from one form to another after its death, invalidation, or demise. According to the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (3.2.1-3.2.9), death encompasses the Grahas (organs) and Atigrahas (objects), bound by physical and elemental things and attached to ignorance. We must achieve liberation from this relative existence of means and ends; hence, we are elucidating the nature of death, as it is the individual in bondage who requires emancipation. Although we have delineated the characteristics of an emancipated individual, their physical form and possessions remain bound by mortality. A liberated person remains subject to mortality through their physical organs and material possessions. Death manifested through organs and objects represents confinement, along with avenues for liberation from it. Bondage encompasses the entire spectrum of ...